A Good Lesson in Email Subject Lines

This is a basic issue for anyone who sends out email announcements or email newsletters. It’s crucial to your “open rate” that the subject line be compelling and engaging. One useful point here that I’ve wondered about but never heard clearly defined is the 56-character space limit. Solid guidance. Dr. EBiz is generally a good resource too…


The ConstantContact.com service’s learning center also recently published a two-part series of articles on this subject.

Meanwhile, my ebook on Internet Marketing should be completed “real soon.” Stay tuned.

1 reply
  1. Shep007
    Shep007 says:

    I recently went to a workshop on Effective E-mail marketing and they claim that the average person decides in the first THREE SECONDS whether or not to delete an incoming mail. They also stressed the importance of a clear and precise Subject line, and suggested you run it by others first, if you’re sending out an e-mail marketing newletter.

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