My New Year’s Resolution: Live More Like Steve Jobs

“While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs, from the “Think Different” campaign (see video below with Steve’s own voice)

Sometimes I’m sleepily drifting, thinking I’m a passenger on the journey of life. Other times I’m more awake to the choices I am making and recognize the power to live life more fully. These more conscious moments are the times of courage when I am able to act beyond my limited concepts of myself, take risks, and trust the Creative Flow. At those times, I become the kind of inspiration that I long to be.

jobs_possible_000Steve Jobs, despite his various weaknesses, always seemed to be someone who was unafraid of his creative “craziness.” He seemed always willing to access and trust his vision and to step outside the proverbial “box.” The result was astounding creativity. And, there’s no doubt in my mind that everything he created (from Apple itself to the Mac to the first iPod, iPhone and iPad) was a result of this same kind of courage. To me at least, Jobs was one of the most important people in American history.

I was struck again by this power recently while in flight from SFO to Newark. I had previously skipped the movie “Jobs” because I had heard it wasn’t a very good movie. But while watching this movie on the plane, I found the power of Steve Jobs’ story to be uplifting, inspiring and motivating (despite the obvious cinematic weaknesses in this particular production). I was reminded that it is the story of Steve Jobs’ life that is an inspiration to me. I appreciated being reminded again of his example.

In fact, the story of Steve Jobs’ life is so sensational that if we didn’t know it was a “true story,” we would have a hard time believing it. In this case, I found that the true story supersedes the filmmaking as well as the Hollywood pretense. This is the story of a great life dedicated to bringing unprecedented innovation to the world, in other words a life well lived.

This is also a dramatic example of a business that is obviously on the leading edge. When I was launching my first company in New York in 1985, the PBS series, In Search of Excellence had a segment on Steve Jobs and the Mac Team. This short video which I recorded on VHS was the closest thing I ever had to an employee orientation film. But I used it just the same in order to communicate to my small team that I wanted us to make an impact on the world. We wanted to put a “dent in the Universe” as Jobs used to say. I wanted to make sure that we did not get trapped into doing the “same old same old,” but to think differently. Personally, I also wanted to push the limits of my own potential.

This requirement to go beyond the norm is as relevant to me today in 2014 as it was in 1985.

Today, as we enter another new year, I am embracing the inspiration of Steve Jobs as an invitation to question everything, and to go out on a creative limb whenever I feel authentically called to do so.

As we enter 2014, what a perfect time for me to re-look at my vision. By sharing this with you here on this blog, I am recommitting to the truth that ComBridges is not just another marketing communications company. My vision is to create meaningful communications that make a difference for our clients and for the world. Thank you for your support in whatever form, even if it’s just reading. I am not doing this alone.

If you are so inspired, I’d love to hear what moves you. How can we each make a bigger difference in the world? Are we each making the most of what we are best at? Where can we expand our horizons?

In this spirit, I enter the New Year and recommit to my own personal creative “craziness.”

I look forward to your comments and to sharing the fun of this journey with you all. Happy New Year!