Google the Great Gets Greater

Sure. I know that you don’t measure the true value of a company by it’s market cap. And, of course, I know that profits aren’t everything. But, a 7x increase in net earnings ain’t bad. And, you better believe that pay-per-click search engine advertising is MAJOR (even though, full disclosure, it’s part of my business. Managing Google AdWords campaigns is one of the services we offer.)

Just the same, Google’s latest earnings report is beyond impressive. So is their 45% search engine market share. (So is the fact that “Google” has become a verb.) So is the perspective of the book I’m reading, The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture.

It seems that Google in particular, and search in general, along with the financial fuel of search engine advertising are literally defining the next waves of e-business and e-experience, as well as what’s coming in every web surfer’s next “set” of waves… Stay tuned.