Tag Archive for: authenticity

How to Tell Difficult Stories that NEED to Be Told Using Vulnerability, Storytelling, & Engagement

It has been said that “what’s in the way is the way.” For this reason, telling your most difficult and vulnerable stories can have healing and engaging effects beyond anything you might imagine.

In this episode of Video Mojo, I got to interview master coach & author, Andrea J. Lee and we had an intimate conversation about authenticity and vulnerability, including real life examples of what can happen when you tell the stories that NEED to be told. One example of this phenomenon is a 2-minute video that Andrea did for UpWorthy that got over 2 million views… without trying!

If you are interested in going deeper with your storytelling in order to make a more human connection with your audiences, don’t miss this.

In addition this “Collaborative Conversation,” every Video Mojo episode includes a quick commentary called “Tee It Up” and “Luscious Links” resource recommendations, as shown below.

Video Mojo welcomes your questions and comments in real time during Video Mojo LIVE! which streams every Friday at 10am PT / 1pm ET on our YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/jonleland and via our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/combridges.fb/live​. Please join us.


  • Tee It Up: Authentic Relationships – 2:14
  • Collaborative Conversation: Andrea J. Lee – 4:24
  • Community Campfire: Q&A – 20:15
  • Luscious Links: My Octopus Teacher – 28:43




Please join us and/or post a review or comment. It REALLY helps Video Mojo to be more visible when you like, review, or comment. All of the links are here:


3 Ways to Avoid the WORST MISTAKE in Digital Marketing: Formulaic vs Relationship-Based Marketing

Forget “shiny objects” and “silver bullet” formulas. Please. There’s a better way. A much better way. And, in the age of coronavirus, it’s time to boil things down to the essentials, don’t you think?

Relationship-based marketing makes your business sustainable for the long haul, allows you to be of service in a way that’s meaningful to you, and creates a process that you can enjoy every step of the way.

In the episode of Video Mojo above, I do my best to will help you avoid the worst mistake in digital marketing (spoiler alert: it’s making your marketing all about the money) while illuminating the path to more satisfying forms of success.

About Video Mojo
Video Mojo is a video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland of https://www.combridges.com. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of the “bleeding edge” of digital video & social media.

Resource Links from this episode:
– Robin Sharma “5am Club”: https://www.robinsharma.com/book/the-5am-club

I’d love to hear what works for you and if you find this program useful. If you’ve got questions, feedback, or suggestions, please comment below, or let’s connect (and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever):
* YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/jonleland​/
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joncombridges/
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/joncombridges​/
* Podcast Home: https://anchor.fm/video-mojo​/


3 Ways to Avoid the WORST MISTAKE in Digital Marketing: Formulaic vs Relationship-Based Marketing

Hi there and welcome to another edition of Video Mojo. My name is Jon Leland from ComBridges.com. Video Mojo is a podcast and a vlog that connects timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of video marketing and social media marketing.

Today we’re going to explore 3 principles to help you avoid the worst mistake in digital Marketing. In other words, why formulaic marketing hurts your brand and how relationship based marketing builds success.

This is a subject that is very near and dear to my heart. It is something that bugs me in the marketplace where, I think, we all, in this day and age, have much more sensitive “bullshit meters” than ever before. We recognize hype, we recognize when people are trying to manipulate us, and now with coronavirus and kind of a reinvention of our entire society (at least I hope in some ways), more and more people are trying to focus on what is essential and important in life. This contrast between what I call relationship-based marketing and manipulative or formulaic marketing is really at the heart of the matter.

I think that the worst mistake that you can make in digital marketing is to make it all about the money. Formulaic marketing taps into this kind of myth that I think a lot of people have, that there can be a silver bullet. That if you just follow this formula A-B-C-, it’s a guaranteed six to seven figures. We all know it’s a myth. It’s just a false promise and people are playing on the entrepreneurial spirit that’s out there, genuine authentic longing to be of service. And they are capitalizing and going – well these are the tips and tricks -. I think we all have a propensity to look for shiny objects, quick fixes, and that kind of thing. But you know, stay away. I think that is the worst mistake not only to buy into that but also to think that that’s a recipe for success.

To be clear, I’m not saying that techniques and strategies such as sales funnels or email sequences are bad per se. There are a lot of very solid techniques but there’s a fuel that powers them. And that’s the things that I’m most passionate about and why I’m involved in online marketing. So I want to offer you 3 key principles that I think really make marketing work in the face of all this bull.

1- Make Authentic Human Connections

So #1 is the fact that we need to make authentic human connections. That’s why this is Video Mojo and why I’m such a big proponent of online video. We need to make human connections. Those human connections need to be fueled by value.

2 – Human Connections are Fueled By Value

I am reading a book right now by Robin Sharma called The 5 am Club. And he talks throughout the book about this goal which is to serve as many people as possible. And I think that’s something that, if not all of us, most of us want to do is have our work, serve as many people as possible.

That is the second principle is if it’s heart oriented, if you’re really coming from service people get that and that builds on the human connection and allows you to really make a difference.

3 – Marketing is a Long-Term Process

The third principle is that you really have to look at marketing as a long-term process. I heard the famous quote recently that you shouldn’t confuse the map with the territory. The map, or the design, or the strategy is really one thing but the territory is the landscape and in marketing, it’s the environment that we’re working within. If you’re going to build authentic long-term relationships, which I do think is a very real definition of success, authentic long-term relationships, it’s a process. No relationship is built in one day or in one event. Basic marketing principle being multiple touches and basics of relationship-building is contribute, contribute, contribute, and always be adding value.

I love the expression “Lead With Value”. You offer your service, you offer value. The people that I know and admire that have been really successful in online marketing have generated tons of free content. And this is my modest effort, Video Mojo. No charge, no sales pitch. I’m out here trying to make a difference, trying to help people do better heart-based, relationship-based marketing, rather than the kind of formulaic stuff that is so prevalent and so hyped.

I think the bottom line is, how do you define success? There are many definitions of success but I can tell you that if you make it all about the money that is very short-sighted and not sustainable. People can smell when what you’re doing is really “I just want sales, I’m just after your money”. On the other hand, if you’re coming from being of service, people can taste that and they can get a real sense that you’re here not for the money necessarily. Although, I believe the money follows and this is what fuels a long-term business that’s sustainable. They get the sense that that’s why you’re here, you’re around and you’re consistent. That’s one of the big things I’ve talked about here over and over again, consistent content and consistent presence. That’s the kind of thing that builds what I think is a definition of success which is sustainable long-term relationships.

Business is about relationships. When you’re present and leading with value then I think that you have kind of marketing that can work and that will feed you all along the way so that you can become part of a learning process and evolve and develop relationships over time. It’s a long game but that’s a game worth playing and a game that you can enjoy every step of the way.

That’s this episode of VIdeo Mojo. If you’re looking for more episodes, there’s a youtube channel or also on my website ComBridges.com/blog. On the blog is where you can find all the episodes including transcripts. I look forward to your feedback as always I’m very grateful for your time and attention and we’ll see you next time.

3 Types of Ad-Free Social Media Engagement: The Building Blocks of a More Attractive Online Presence

Social media networks are a whole new kind of communication opportunity; but too many people and organizations are either confused, over-whelmed or just “don’t get it.”

In only four minutes, this episode of Video Mojo describes and illustrates three types of social media posts that have no advertising expense required. Each type of post is used by my company, ComBridges, in order to help our clients and ourselves. By using all three types of posts, we more present on social media; and, we “lead with value” to build authentic, sustainable long-term relationships. Please check it out and let me know what you think:

Click above to watch this week’s Video Mojo video blog & podcast episode.

About Video Mojo
Video Mojo is a weekly video blog and podcast hosted by award-winning media innovator, Jon Leland. It combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration on the “bleeding edge” of digital video & social media.

If you’ve got questions, feedback or suggestions, please let me know (and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever ;-):

* Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/joncombridges/
* YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/jonleland​/
* Vlog Home: https://www.combridges.com/blog​/​
* Podcast Home: https://anchor.fm/video-mojo​/​
* On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/video-mojo-jon-leland-tips-strategies-for-better-world/id1489867374?uo=4​​
* On Spotify Podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/1ORM2qja8iMWM9ykwvhaXk​
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/joncombridges​/​
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/combridges.fb/
* LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/jonleland/​



3 Types of Ad-Free Social Media Engagement: The Building Blocks of a More Attractive Online Presence

Hi and welcome! My name is Jon Leland and this is Video Mojo. 

Video Mojo is both a video blog and a podcast that combines timeless marketing principles with a playful exploration of, what I call, the “bleeding edge” of both digital video and social media. 

Today we’re going to dig into social media a little bit. 

There are 3 types of ad-free social media posts. They’re kind of the online building blocks of a vibrant authentic social media presence. They exist within, what I would call, the social media ecosystem. I’m not going to get into social media content marketing campaigns today, which are really kind of fundamental. With whatever we do in social media we want to lead with value. We always want to contribute and make a difference before we ask for a sale. Relationships are built over time through multiple touches so you want to show up in the marketplace as a valuable contributor. What this post is about is the 3 types of social media posts. Once you have done your content marketing and developed your own original and valuable content there are other things that you can do, the building blocks, that will help you stay present and build relationships. I’ve broken that down into 3 distinct types of social media posts. 

Type 1:

Social media posts type 1 are original visual designs that are linked to your own content. We see those all the time as quote graphics or quote memes. They come out of our own content or creations. We develop original graphics so that they reflect the brand of our client as well as the message of our client and they’re our core value messages. They may reflect values literally or they may reflect the communication mission, if you will, of what that clients work is about and what their niche is about. 

Type 2:

The second type of posts are content curation posts. Next week I think I’m going to get into a tool to help enable content creation. But within the niche, again following the same focus, there are other contributors. There are other people publishing valuable content. So for example, my client The Soul of Money Institute likes gratefulness.org. They are very aligned with their values and so we might repost a blog post from that site. 

Type 3:

The third type of social media posts are retweets or repost, usually on Instagram or Twitter, where you are using other posts or other kinds of content that are being posted and are relevant to what you’re doing. A good example of this in our business is we represent the Marin Airporter, the local airport bus service. People will post pictures of their experience with Marin Airporter and their joy of travel using #MarinAirporter. 


And then finally, not really a kind of post but, is being involved and monitoring what is going on and responding to comments. I call it conversational engagement. It is a really important piece of the service. If you are going to have a social media presence you certainly want to be responsive and engaged with the people that are liking, retweeting, commenting, and answering questions. 

I’m always looking for your feedback, because I would love to do more of the kind of posts that you want to hear. So please let me know. And again, I am very very grateful for your presence. 

Thank you so much for watching or listening and I’ll see you next week!