An Amazing, Free To-Do List Manager

Shortly, I’ll post something longer about Web 2.0 applications, web-based software, software as service and all that. Meanwhile, I want to recommend an online to-do list manager called Voo2Do. It couldn’t be easier to use, includes all the essential fields including prioritization, deadlines and estimated time to complete. You can add categories on the fly as you add items, and it automatically reorders the list according to due dates and priorities as soon as you enter them. Very impressive. And did I say it’s totally free?

Way Too Cheery, But Good Flash-Phone Integration

And for another kind of convergence… Cheerioke! I’ve been enjoying my Gizmo Project software phone (see below). Voice over IP rules. But I’m also impressed with the way that the Cheerioke Flash application for an old time advertiser (General Mills) integrates telephone recording seamlessly into an interactive singing thingy. Listen to me if you dare, of visit

Adobe-Macromedia vs Microsoft in Web App Dev

While my first thought when I heard about the Adobe-Macromedia merger was about Dreamweaver, the reality is that Flash has more to do with it. And, it’s not really about us “creative professionals” who are the primary market for the obvious Adobe and Macromedia products. Rather, this merger is all about the enterprise market. That’s where the big money is for software companies; and on that mission critical battlefield, Macromedia will help Adobe wage war against the evil empire, Microsoft. explains it well.